Friday, May 18, 2007


find that inner strength
that core where the pillars stand
that breeze where the bamboos sway
that music in your ears that tingles your senses
find that sadness you're willing to subside
for a happiness than only you can provide
find that swell with a beat up surfboard
and ride until you hit the sand without getting caught in the undertow
find the lines of age on your father's face
and trace it with a finger to your heart
find your mother's face in a clouded mirror
when you look at your reflection in the morning after a shower
the trees rustle at night on your bedroom window
as the moon shines and peaks into the cubicle
of dreams of aspirations of failed attempts and passion
the white walls speak the language of your ancestors in each picture
raising questions and those answers
find them

find that moment when you close those brown eyes
and the world turns from different hues of red brown and black
so you can breathe
so you can sleep
so you can finally find peace

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